Palazzo Vecchio, means Old Palace. I know… all the palaces in Florence are quite ancient but this one has a special history behind it. I will let you know!
It is a medieval palace from 1290. It was build to hold the political administration of the city state and since its foundation it is still the government seat.
In 1540, the Grand Duke Cosimo I wanted to have extreme control of everything and decided to move with his wife and 11 kids to the Palace so it became also the royal residence, and since then the building went under restauration and a luxurious decoration.
All the rooms has a different cycle of frescoes dedicated to the battles faced by Florence and others cycles in honor of the important ancient members of the Medici family such as the philosopher Lorenzo the magnificent and the two Popes of the family - Leon X and Clemente VII.
We will have a special stop in the Hall of the 500 - famous for being scenery of the movie Inferno of Dan Brown and here you will discover the real secrets of this place!